- 34 Billion Enrollments
- 74 Billion e-Authentications Done
- Led to saving of USD 30 Billion in welfare schemes

- 323 Banks live on UPI
- 99 Billion Digital Payment Transactions
- USD 2.26 Trillion worth of Transactions

- Helped administration of 1.96 Billion vaccination doses
- 09 Billion Registrations
- Handled peak of 2.5 Billion API Hits

- 1556Government services available at UMANG
- 291 Departments onboarded from Central & State Departments
- 75 Billion Transactions done by 45 Million registered users

- Established 12K Hubs and 92K Health & Wellness Centres as Spokes
- 2 Million Providers onboarded
- 46 Millions Patients served